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Codename: Bloodwolf
Character Type: OC
Full Name: Sho Hyuzu
date of birth: 1/3/1997
Age: 17
Sex: male
Hair Color: silver
Eye Color: light green
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 170
Affiliation: Xavier or Worthington school depending on room
Sho has shown to be able to stay very calm and serious and level headed in most situations through he is slightly feral which at times works against him. He is cautious and very slow to trust others after years of being mistreated by others for being a mutant. He is a lone wolf type of person that learned to respect martial martial arts from his teacher and after a while greatly enjoyed practicing sambo.
He has good control of his anger but when he allows it to fully release go into a rage he is a total different person. He becomes almost animalistic in that he no longer sees friend or foe only prey that needs to be killed. He is known to be cannibalistic also when in his rage going as far as ripping out heart flesh and meat with his own hands. He may be distant to any adventure group he might join he well watch their back through his free spirit attitude often makes bump heads with those that are keener to follow orders no matter what they truly might wish to have it done.
Weaponry/Personal Belongings:
Pseudo-vaeVampirism: Sho due to his power has been transformed into creature resembling a true werevampire or vaevampire and posses great amount of the superhuman abilities that one posses. The major difference between him and a true vaevampire is that his transformation is genetic and not mythical
Claw Retraction- he is able to retract claws from the tips of his fingers and back at will.
Supernatural Agility- Sho has balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are extraordinary beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete. this increases if he feed on blood or a during a full mood with maximum situation being fully fed with blood and a full moon but maximum is significantly extraordinarily beyond
Enhanced Durability- Sho body tissue are considerably harder and more resistant to physical injury than those of an ordinary human. Sho is able to withstanding low caliber bullets, great impact forces, falls from great heights, and exposure to temperature extremes without sustaining injury.
Supernatural Endurance: Sho can operate on a low power setting, allowing him to operate for an extended amount of time. He can hold their breath for longer periods of time and remain calm through stressful or painful situations, tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep.
Supernatural Acute Senses: sho sense of sense is at a level that it borders supernatural level and is on par with a true vaevampire. Sho senses of sight, smell, and hearing are significantly beyond that of a normal human. He can see far great distance with out losing clarity. He can see in total darkness as if it was daytime. Sho can see in the infrared spectrum and thus detect the heat signatures of objects or people. He can smell other living creatures detect the scent of blood up to 5280 Feet (when upwind) and follow a scent over nearly any terrain. He can hear the sound of a heartbeat in a cave at a distance of 5280 feet.
Supernatural Stamina: Superhuman Stamina: Sho has an enhanced musculature that produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of a normal human. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for a day before the build up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him.
Superhuman Speed: Shu is able to move and run at speeds that are extraordinary beyond the natural physical limits of the finest human athlete.
Supernatural Strength: Shu has a base strength that allows him lift press ect three thousand pounds. this increases when he feeds on blood or during a full moon. the maximum he can reach if he is fully feed and a full moon is thirty thousand pounds.
Enhanced Bite: Sho can bite with such force that he can bite through or into anything that as dense as common metal the exception being super dense metals.
Immortality: Sho is not a true immortal in sense he can not die as along as their is a cell left behind he can regenerate his body. He is also immune to aging beyond his prime due combined factor of this and his regeneration.
Supernatural Regeneration: Sho is able to regenerate completely as long as one cell or even molecule remains intact, including cellular regeneration and rejuvenation to the point he is close to true immortality. Their brain cells and nerves are completely repaired, to the point of keeping the mind intact and decapitation is pointless as user can regenerate a head, or the head can regenerate a whole new body. Sho is also immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime.
Immunity To Most vaeVampire Vulnerabilities: Since Sho is not a supernatural vaevampire, he is immune to all of the special mystical vulnerabilities that they have. He is unaffected if confronted with religious icons and will not incinerate if exposed to direct sunlight. Sho does tend to rest during the hours of the day but most supernatural vampires fall into a dormant, death-like state during the day. Though he does rest, he doesn't have to line his sleeping area with soil from the land of his birth whereas supernatural vampires must do so otherwise they're unable to travel more than 100 miles. Sho has no special vulnerability to objects of weapons composed of silver. While he can be injured by weapons made of silver, he'll heal normally as he would from other injuries whereas injuries inflicted by silver on supernatural vampires take much longer for them to heal from, if they're not killed outright. Sho also won't be killed by having a wooden stake driven through his heart.
vaeVampire Creation: Sho can like a true vaevampires transform individuals into pseudo-vaevampires like himself by draining them of all their blood. Sho has some degree of control over the pseudo-vaevampires he creates, just as supernatural vampires have mental control over the vampires they create. The ones Sho creates possess all abilities he has but regeneration is not at same level they instead get following; Regenerative Healing Factor: Those sired by sho are capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of his body with much greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Injuries that result in massive tissue damage such as bullet wounds, slashes, punctures, blunt force trauma, and severe burns heal completely, without so much as a scar, in a short amount of time. His ability to heal is at least 10 times that of a human.
Blood: Sho posses one true weakness that supernatural vampires possess is that he must regularly ingest fresh blood in order to maintain his physical and mental vitality. He must generally feed several times a week, though he can go for long periods without feeding if he pushes himself. However, the longer he goes, the weaker he becomes and the more likely he is to lose control. While he can't be killed by sunlight, his eyes and skin are sensitive to exposure to sunlight.
power control:Leon has yet to fully mature as such he makes a few mistakes in life
and his powers as such are not anywhere close to the level where he uses
them at maximum effectiveness.
Sire: Sho even through gifts his spawn with his power he has some control over them but it does not stop them from turning on him.
Vulnerable Senses: Sho senses beneficial to him but it is also a known fact that his heightened senses can be taken advantage of.
Other Special Skills/Abilities:
martial arts: he spent a lot time since childhood learning Sambo from his teacher Grand master first Razryad vladmir ursolvick. he obtained currently the rank of master and third Razryad
History:in the works

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