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Code name: Side-swipe
Name: Thomas Harris
Alias: T. H. Omarris, Harry Thoms, Thom Greene
Age: 17
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 170 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Build: Athletic
Agility: Olympic gymnast level
Strength: That of a normal human who engages in regular strenuous training.
Endurance: Inhuman
Place of birth: Garret's Hollow, South Carolina - United States
Family: Robert Harris(father), Geneva Harris(mother), Dylan Harris (older brother), Margaret Harris(older sister)
Origin: Thomas was born in the small town of Garret’s Hollow, during a harsh winter's night. The sleepy little mountain town was a quiet and even lovely place to grow up in. Tommie with his older siblings Dill and Maggie spent their days studying at home and playing in the forested mountains that surrounded the town and their home. They were taught by their mother, who had been a school teacher in Savannah Georgia before she married Robert who had also been a teacher, and their father in a wide range of subjects. Nothing was forbidden, from natural history to myths and legends, all was grist for the mills of their developing minds. They were taught how to live in harmony with the land around them, to survive on its bounty and endure its capricious weather and temperament. This training stood the children well on the times they became lost during a sudden storm or temporarily trapped by a fall of rock in an isolated draw. This training was also to prove beneficial when the men in the camouflage suits and night goggles crept up on the house. An entire family of mutants, isolated from their neighbours, ripe for the picking. Fortunately Robert was not easily surprised, and his ability to commune with and control the plants around the family's cozy cabin gave them all a good deal of warning. When the team arrived, they found nothing but an abandoned cabin, covered with what seemed years worth of unchecked forest growth. The family had scattered into the forest, disappearing into the well known terrain like ghosts in a mist. The capture team however would not be daunted so easily. Their advanced technology and greater numbers allowed them to track the family members, all were captured, with the sole exception of Tommie. He managed to escape by sheer bad luck, when he'd been struck by the tranquillizing darts, he fell into a steep walled ravine, the deep swift water at the bottom cushioned his fall and swept him away. He fetched up two days later amid the debris of a logjam, where he was found by a local trapper. The man nursed Tommie back to health but the night before the man was due to drive Tommie into the nearest town, the boy had disappeared into the night, leaving no trail for the tracker to find. Two years passed as the young man made his way northward, guided by a subtle gentle presence in his mind that he could not explain. His memories of the events that set his flight into motion are jumbled and fragmented by the sheer emotional shock of it all. Perhaps in time and with help he will be able to remember them in an objective manner.
Known Abilities: Superhuman Speed - Thomas' reactions, thought speed, perceptual cognition, and metabolic processes occur at an inhumanly rapid pace. This give the illusion of incredible grace and superior intellect by way of him actually having time to execute each movement with care and study a problem from all sides before making a decision. The drawback of this ability is the need for an extraordinary caloric intake to prevent metabolic collapse. Tommy may possess some innate healing factor similar to that of the wolverine, but it seems focused entirely on keeping his ageing process retarded to a normal level. Thomas is also immune to the effects of friction and heat caused by his speed and can breathe normally even at speeds surpassing the speed of sound.
Enhanced Senses - Thomas' hearing and sense of smell are heightened to the pinnacle of human ability. While he cannot track by scent he can recognize a person by that means.
Enhanced Vision - Thomas' vision is far more acute that that of a normal human, capable of picking out an object the size of a human head amidst foliage at a range of 200 yards. This acuity is believed to be an adaptation to the distortions caused by pressure on the eyes at high speed.
Super human Endurance: Mentally and Physically Thomas can bear a great deal of stress over long periods of time before he will break under the strain. This will allow him to cover great distances on foot at speed without the sudden crash of a sprinter.
Weakness: Extreme cold is Thomas' nemesis, Cold stiffens his joints, slows him down, and causes his metabolism to burn reserves just to maintain body heat. Due to his lack of body fat, he has very low tolerance for extreme cold and must take extra precautions to conserve his body temperature.

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